Thursday, February 23, 2012

Meet our new VP of Public Relations: Jeff Brooks!

I realize this picture is a little outdated (it's end of February!) but it tells so much about our new VP of PR. Make sure to have a chat with him next time you see him, to see what I mean ;-)
Here's a better one:
Enjoying a first place trophy, after a 28 mile mountain trail endurance run this past October!

You can read more about Jeff here.

Thanks for taking the role, Jeff!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Tip of the Week: Expand your horizons and be a contest chair!

For our upcoming contests, we will need a lot of roles to be filled.  No role is more important than the Contest Chair.  Over the past couple of years, the contest chair role has been filled by the same one or two people.  This time around, let’s give someone else a chance!  The role is not that complicated, and you will have lots of help.  If you’ve seen a contest before, you are qualified!  You also get credit for a project in your Competent Leadership Manual (and we’re ALL working in the Leadership manual, right?? ;-)  Also, since the International Speech Contest on March 14 is for members that have completed 6 or more manual speeches, if you haven’t reached this threshold yet you would be perfect for this role!  Please contact Jason to volunteer for this important and gratifying role.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Tip of the Week: Our #2 asset?

Our club’s #1 asset is YOU – our members!  But what is our second best asset? That would be our ALMOST new members – our guests!  The old saying goes strangers are just friends you haven’t met yet. At Electric Toasters, guests are ET Members that haven’t joined yet. When you see a member, introduce yourself with a smile!  You don’t need to strike up a conversation and talk about religion and politics, but just be a friendly face and welcome them genuinely to the club. See that they sign the guestbook and get a name card filled out. Be available to answer any questions they might have about the club, or find an officer that could answer more specific questions. If we do this consistently, odds are our guests will become members AND friends in due time.