All in all it was a memorable meeting for all. I look
forward to my second backwards meeting . . . in about 5-10 years J
TM Craig signing off…
Oh woops, I was still in backwards mode. Backwards mode you say… why is that, read
further and find out:
Last week we had 4 guests and about 10 members who all had
about the same amount of experience with a backwards meeting. It started
with President Mike ‘closing the meeting’ and making a few comments about how
this was a great meeting. We all
appreciated his fortune telling abilities.
We then had the evaluation portion of the meeting.
Steve Wilcox and his team reported on how well (or poorly) each of the speakers
did “before they spoke”.
Table topics was interesting! The speaker was called
on (based on the ah counters list of who ‘spoke’) and gave their TT speech,
then TT master Eric created a question. Very interesting :)
We continued with Speaker 2, Ashley who gave a very
interesting speech about responding too quickly with thoughts or issues with a
person. She provided an example of how
jumping to conclusions almost caused a dual between Abe Lincoln and an
advisory. Lincoln learned to think about the consequences of a response …
prior to sending it. Ashley gave a similar story about not responding to
a person while angry. A good lesson for all of us.
Speech #1 was given by Sarah Mammon about the sub-conscious
mind and how it controls many of the things we do without thinking about them
or even realizing we are doing them. Things like breathing or driving
from one place to another and not remembering making the turns . . .
This was very appropriate for the backwards meeting where we
all had to THINK about each part of the meeting with our conscious
mind!!! Little things like the tense of a verb while describing a speech
we hadn’t yet heard.
All in all it was a memorable meeting for all. I look
forward to my second backwards meeting . . . in about 5-10 years J
TM Craig signing off…
While the backwards meeting might have tested
some of us, we are hoping to spice up the meetings a bit every quarter and do a
different format. We will let you know
when the next alternative format meeting will occur… stay tuned!
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