Wednesday, February 23, 2011

February Recap

Electric Toasters kept us on the edge of our seats throughout February. Here's a recap of all the speeches we had a chance to enjoy:

On February 2nd Aliza Scott  took us on a colorful trip to the German wine country, while Craig Jones delivered an impromptu speech on a successful Toastmasters Club.

During our "Lessons I never learned" meeting on February 9th, Ashley Wilson was convincing us to become disciplined and motivated to save and think about our retirement: short term pleasures vs. long term pay offs. In the spirit of the financial theme, Craig Jones shared a theory from the "Cashflow Quadrant" book, and presented an employee, a self employed individual, a business owner and an investor on the quadrants of security and cash-flow.

The King of Impromptu speeches, Craig Jones, also did not disappoint us on February 16th when he took us on a search for the Wizard of Evaluations. Ania Osińska-Bulloff had us board a plane to go around the World (of Valentine's chocolates and roses) in 7 minutes.

The last February meeting was a full house of club members and guests. That did not scare away Karen Groth with her speech on effective research tricks, nor did it scare Steve Connor with his "Irish Icebreaker" a story of a perfect blend of Irish virtues (hearts), magically turning into a clover.

What other excitement will March bring? Stay tuned!

A full house of Electric Toasters Members and Guests on February 23rd. Not captured: the second row of members and guests.
By Ania Osińska-Bulloff, VP Public Relations

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